FFMC History


“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveller.

“If you want to understand today you have to search yesterday.”

Our Timeline

A long time ago...

Fernley Free Methodist Church History Fernley, Nevada In the summer of 1958, a group of twelve Christian friends were united in a desire to start a Sunday School that was Armenian in influence rather than Calvinistic as was the only effort in the area (American Sunday School Union), Carl and Mabel Kuykendall were the key leadership in the beginning of a Sunday School at the old Community Church in Wadsworth, on August 20, 1958, During 1959, the Howard Moller family moved from Reno, and he served as supply pastor. As time progressed, the Conference Board of Evangelism and the General Church Commission on Evangelism and Church Extension took an interest in the work in Nevada.

A Society

It was during the early 1960's that the Wadsworth-Fernley Society was actually organized. Property was purchased along the main street, then Highway 40. Several homes were purchased at an auction near Placerville, torn down, and the lumber transported by Carl Kuykendall to Schurz, Fernley, and Fallon. Mr. Kuykenall constructed a residence at Schurz, enlarged the chapel, built a storage shed, and a two-bedroom parsonage at Fernley sufficiently finished for the A.C. Archers to move into in the fall of 1962. Rev. A. C. Archer was appointed Superintendent of the newly created Nevada Extension District. Despite his elderly age, he pastored both Fernley and a new Society organized in Reno on July 10, 1963.

Faithful Workers

The Archers were forced to leave the area because the high altitude taxed his weak heart. Harmon and Marge Riggleman, a couple in Indian missionary work under Evangelical Faith Missions of Fallon, served as supply pastor over five years. Morning worship was held at the Wadsworth Community Church and evening services were held at the Fernley Community Church. Mabel Kuykendall, a licensed lay evangelist, filled the pulpit for about eighteen months until Rev. Preston Harmon was appointed as Nevada District Superintendent in 1965 for a very brief time of about five months.


Nevada District came under the district supervision of the California Conference, with Superintendents J. Elliot Hollister, Royal S. Nelson, and now Donald J. Allgor. In October 1974, Superintendent Allgor re-organized the Fernley Church under the California Conference and Rev. E. H. Hadsell was appointed as supply pastor. The Fernley property was repurchased and trustees and other necessary officials were elected. Rev. Hadsell served two years until retirement again in 1976, though he was in charge of services for another three years.


In the summer of 1980, Myron Root, Jr. was appointed as pastor and the church experienced both numerical and spiritual growth in his two year service. In June 1983, Fernley became part of a circuit with the new work in Reno.
Patrick McLogan, a ministerial candidate,
was appointed to serve both churches. In 1985-88 Roland Kramer pastors the Fernley church and lived in Fernley.


In 1989- 92 Pastor Roy Bearden takes the helm, with a active youth group and a talented worship team, the average attendance rose to near 50 (1991). The Moresi's started attending the church in 1991. By 1993 the church is recorded as being “under the Superintendent” (Superintendent David Rupert) , In 1994 C William Rohrer oversees the church, returning to the Reno/Fernley circuit model. During 94-95 three Lay Ministers (Gary Raines, Scott McCarthy and Mike Moresi) assisted in many of the pastorial duties. In 1996 Superintendent Forrest Bush inserted his father (Forrest Bush Sr.) as Interim Pastor, in an effort to calm discord in the church. 96-97 Pastor Gordon Dills is appointed. And for a short time, attendance was up. (40's) Unfortunately, 1999 saw attendance shrinking.


In 2000 Pastor Marilyn Martin with her husband Monte Martin, fought to save the church. Attendance would drop under 10, some Sundays. Just when it seemed it was over, God was faithful! Mike Moresi returned to preaching once a month and Gwen Moresi would add her voice to lead the congregational singing. Attendance would rise to 15+. Which was enough to cover expenses. Monte and Marilyn would continue to support the church until their deaths in 2019 and 2020
In 2010 Don Mutton and his wife Twyla who had been members of the church for many years would take the lead. Don having been a retired Pastor in the Friends Church (Quakers). Attendance would rise to 20+. Mike Moresi would continue to preach once a month.
In 2014 Mike Moresi is appointed Pastor. Stan Ingala would be leading worship. Things started with a bang! On his first Sunday, attendance was over 40! With renewed vision and modern worship, attendance dropped under 20! By 2015 attendance would stabilize (30ish). A focus on renovation was pursued. Over the following years much has changed. Landscaping upgrades, followed by the sanctuary being refreshed were first. In 2018 our prayers to expand the sanctuary began. Completed in 2021. As of 2024 the church continues to minister to the community.

"All dates approximate"
